Saturday, April 19, 2014

Level 1 Exercises & Deadlines

Level 1

#ExerciseStart DateDeadlineTime Frame
1Ball Bouncing in place, no decay (loop)April, 21 2014April, 22 20141 day
2Ball Bouncing across the screenApril, 22 2014April, 23 20141 day
3Brick falling from a shelf onto the groundApril, 23 2014April, 24 20141 day
4Simple character head turnApril, 25 2014April, 29 20142 days
5Character head turn with anticipationApril, 29 2014May, 1 20142 days
6Character blinkingMay, 1 2014May, 2 20141 day
7Character thinkingMay, 5 2014May, 7 20142 days
8Flour Sack waving (loop)May, 7 2014May, 12 20143 days
9Flour Sack jumpingMay, 12 2014May, 19 20145 days
10Flour Sack falling (loop or hitting the ground)May, 19 2014May, 23 20144 days
11Flour Sack kicking a ballMay, 23 2014May, 30 20145 days

Level 1 (second round)
I want to thank Isai Calderon for making this new deadline for the new members and people who wants to start again with level 1
ExerciseStart DateDeadlineTime Frame (days)
Ball Bouncing in place, no decay (loop)July 10, 2014July 11, 20141
Ball Bouncing across the screenJuly 11, 2014July 12, 20141
Brick falling from a shelf onto the groundJuly 12, 2014July 13, 20141
Simple character head turnJuly 13, 2014July 14, 20141
Character head turn with anticipationJuly 14, 2014July 16, 20142
Character blinkingJuly 16, 2014July 17, 20141
Character thinkingJuly 17, 2014July 19, 20142
Flour Sack waving (loop)July 19, 2014July 22, 20143
Flour Sack jumpingJuly 22, 2014July 25, 20143
Flour Sack falling (loop or hitting the ground)July 25, 2014July 28, 20143
Flour Sack kicking a ballJuly 28, 2014August 2, 20145

Level 2 (coming soon)

Level 3 (coming soon)

Level 4 (coming soon)

We are starting  on March 21, 2014 with the first Exercise.

I set these deadlines based on my experience.  Most studios won't give you more than a week to animate 1 character. 

The deadlines are there just to add pressure.  If you are like most animators, you should know by now that most of us are stuck on a never ending "working on my reel" cycle.  There's a time frame for each exercise.  If you can't make the deadline you can work at your own pace, but keep in mind the deadline is there so you keep moving through the assignments and working on them together as group.

Happy Animating! 

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